Thursday, March 20, 2014

Nautilus Leaks is part of the Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea project

KDOONS and WYRD Productions are re-imagining the classic story "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea" for a new generation, in a web series, educational modules, and a theatrical production. 

If you are an Organization or company looking to spread your message, Nautilus Leaks offers a platform for sustainable content creation

Dependiing upon your level of participation in the 20K play, the installation, the web series, the educational modules, the merchandise or the social gaming applications, you can benefit from:

  • Developing content with internationally-renowned talent. 
  • A creative debate with a broad network of organizations committed to water awareness.
  • Direct access to a youth market in an interactive, immersive environment. 
  • The distribution of your materials and your message
  • High presence in the live environments and the Kidoons Network. 
  • Targeted messaging to a vast audience and insight into how they view water issues.
  • Cross promotion strategies developed to coincide with tour dates & product launches.
  • High visibility for your messaging, products, publications and websites to alpha consumers.
  • Personal appearances at corporate events by Rick Miller, a fluently trilingual host, motivational speaker and entertainer who has twice appeared at IdeaCity.

To find out how, please Contact us!

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